Monday, May 3, 2010

RDP blanks!!!

Yes everyone you read the title correctly! I've decided to start my own line of blanks!! I've been working with a group that does really great designs and one of the guys was a former designer for St Croix. The blanks will have the Tiger Eye finish and will be the full flex IM6 graphite with a little sweetner added in. The sweetner is a small amount of boron. The boron will add another step in touch! You will be able to feel the fish think about biting your fly. You'll have to learn to wait before setting the hook so the fish has the fly in his mouth first. "sounded good didn't it" Now for more good news. I'm adding a 7'6" 4pc 1wt!! I'll also have a 2wt and a 3wt and a 4wt in the 7'6". I'll have a 6' and a 6'6" and a 7' 2wt in the 4pc also. I'm going to have 3wt, 4wt and 5wt in the 9' rods also. I really want to be a leader in the smaller rod market. I'll still be building the custom rods. I'll have to up my prices a little to cover the new blanks but $15.00 will not be bad. The blanks will run between $55 and $65 and you will get your moneys worth. It will be later in the year before we see them. I'm very excited to do this step. I hope you will be also. Just think! A 1wt that you can afford!! I'll keep you posted!! Tight lines.!!!!

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